RealGuitar 3.0.1 для Mac OS

RealGuitar - основанный на сэмплах, специализированный виртуальный инструмент, с инновационным подходом моделирования звучания гитары, и исполнения партий гитары на клавиатуре. Он может использоваться как VSTi с любым хост-приложением, поддерживающим VST 2.0, DXi и как автономная версия (Standalone).

Активная мощность RealGuitar заключается в 3 совершенно новых технологиях:
1. Новая многоканальная звуковая технология иерархического представления, включающая библиотеку специально записанных сэмплов, взятых с каждого лада всех 6 струн реальной гитары.
2. Уникальная технология Floating Fret Position, имитирующая смену ладовой позиции игры гитариста, дающая возможность воспроизведения на 104 ладах гитары, используя только 43 клавиши стандартной клавиатуры!
3. Оригинальная технология Guitar Touch позволяет легко имитировать основные технические приемы игры на гитаре (tremolo, strumming, plucking, sliding, bending, muting и т.д.), используя стандартную MIDI-клавиатуру и MIDI-контроллеры (Колесо изменения высоты тона, Колесо Модуляции, Педаль Sustain, After Touch).

If you are serious about creating truly realistic sounding solo and accompaniment guitar stuff for your songs, our product called RealGuitar is just what you need. RealGuitar is a sample-based virtual instrument with an innovative approach to guitar sound modeling and guitar part performing on keyboard.

The true power of RealGuitar lies in brand new technologies incorporated in this innovative guitar performance tool:
  • New multi-channel layering technology, incorporating a custom library of specially recorded samples taken from every fret of all 6 strings of a real guitar.
  • The unique Floating Fret Position technology, which imitates change of fret position of a guitarist's hand on the neck. This gives you the possibility of playing on up to 104 guitar frets using just 43 keys of a standard keyboard!
  • Our original Guitar Touch technology letting you easily imitate basic guitar techniques (strumming, plucking, sliding, bending, muting, etc..), using standard MIDI keyboard and MIDI controllers, such as Pitch Bender, Modulation Wheel, Sustain Pedal, Aftertouch.
  • Guitar Rhythm Pattern technology providing powerful Pattern Manager completed with huge MusicLab Guitar Pattern Library for easily creating guitar accompaniment tracks. All you have to do is to find the appropriate rhythm pattern(s) in the Pattern Manager tree view, copy it to the needed number of measures, start your sequencer and use MIDI keyboard to play chord changes, or alternatively add chords to a MIDI track via sequencer's editor.
  • The unique Struminator technology letting you use alternative MIDI controller (standard Guitar Hero game controller for Sony Playstation 3 by Activision Inc) for creating authentic guitar accompaniment parts with ease and fun.

These technologies allow to closely emulate live guitar sound and techniques, letting you perform guitar parts with a whole new level of realistic expression. Furthermore they made it possible to get that special recognizable sound of a real 12-string guitar using samples taken from an ordinary 6 string guitar, as well as to achieve true Doubling (double track) effect.

Версия: v3.0.1
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