GrowlVoice 2.0.3
GrowlVoice - небольшое, но стильное приложение, которое связывает Вас и Ваш аккаунт в Google Voice™.
Приложение незамето, встраивается в менюбар, и как только Вы получите сообщение в Google Voice™, GrowlVoice немедленно Вас известит о этом, даст пообщатся, не отрываясь от основной работы.
GrowlVoice puts Google Voice in your menu bar.
- Compose texts and place calls in seconds
- Quickly read and reply to new text messages
- Listen to new voicemails and read their transcripts
- Return new missed calls immediately from your menubar
- Notifies you instantly of new messages, unlike other Google Voice apps that can take minutes
[ What's New ]
Version 2.0.3:
- Added a short welcome process to easily add an account on first launch
- Small visual interface updates
- Various Snow Leopard bugfixes
- Small visual updates to the GrowlVoice icon
- Pressing a global shortcut with the corresponding GrowlVoice window already open now properly dismisses it
- Fixed a bug caused by automatic text replacement that could cause strange characters to show up in received messages
- Fixed a bug that could cause the GrowlVoice preferences window to open when clicking a Growl notification
- Fixed a bug that caused a jarring "pop-in" of the GrowlVoice preferences window
- Fixed a bug that could cause the cursor to start in the compose text message field instead of the number field
- Various small crash fixes
- Text messages can be populated via the GrowlVoice URL scheme with the new message argument
Версия: 2.0.3
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