Core Data Editor 4.3.1

Редактор основных данных позволяет легко просматривать, редактировать и анализировать данные приложений (приложение должно использовать основные данные). Core Data Editor совместим с Mac и IOS приложений и поддерживает XML, SQLite и двоичные хранилища, визуализирует все отношения и имеет возможность редактировать данные и генерировать Objective-C код для модели данных!
Core Data Editor makes it easy to analyze Mac and iOS application‘s data. Just drop a set of application and a persistent store file on it and let it do its magic. Within seconds you have all XML, SQLite or binary data at hand and can analyze it. Need to know relationships? No problem – just double-click any entry and instantly see all relationships of the corresponding entry. Relationships of relationships of relationships – you get the idea.
But that's not all: As the name suggests you can also edit all data – just add or change entries. Core Data Editor also visualizes binary data to allow you having a look at e.g. pictures or other media. Handy, isn‘t it?
Code generation
Now that you know about the data model, the data itself and the relationships, you might want to make your coding work more effective? Instead of now manually writing the code, Core Data Editor has a more effective approach: It generates the code for you. Yes, real-world Objective-C code you can really use! Using "mogenerator" by Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch, Core Data Editor generates "two classes per entity: one for machines, one for humans. The machine class can always be overwritten to match the data model, with humans' work effortlessly preserved" (mogenerator website).
Working with Core Data? Working with complex object models? Working with complex delete rules? Working with a lot of data? You want Core Data Editor.
- Easy setup: Just drop an Mac or iOS application and a persistent store file on it
- Wide compatibility: Mac and iOs applications, XML, SQLite and binary persistent store files
- Easy and intuitive browsing of your data – double-clicking is all you need to do
- Data editing supported
- Preview of binary data (Including Quick Look)
- Inline (video) tutorials in case you get stuck
- Lion compatible: Fullscreen and Versions are supported
- Core Data Editor requires Xcode 4.
What's New in Version 4.3.1
- Fixes an issue with ordered relationships.
ОС: Mac OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
Язык интерфейса: английский,
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