Network Radar 2.6.1 - управление и настройка сетевых устройств

Network Radar предоставляет Вам информацию о сети к которой подключен ваш Mac . Network Radar показывает устройства, подключенные к вашей локальной сети, компьютер или маршрутизатор, а также их имя, IP и поставщика. Network Radar представляет собой простой в использовании инструмент, который позволит вам получить детальную информацию о сетевых устройствах.
- Сканирование сети и получать подробную информацию о сетевых устройств (см. ниже)
- Полезные сетевые утилиты (см. ниже)
- Используйте функцию мониторинга и получить уведомление, когда достижимость изменяется устройств
- Просто подключите к устройству с помощью двойного щелчка по списку (Быстрое подключение)
- Назначьте собственные имена и выбрать из предусмотренных иконок или импортировать собственные иконки
- Используйте простую систему правил / Действия для автоматической обработки устройств
- Сканирование сети интерфейс в, той или иной подсети или диапазон IP-адресов
- Экспорт сканирование для CSV, TXT или PDF
- и многое другое ...
- IP address
- MAC address
- Vendor name (i.e. “Apple, Inc.“ or „DELL“)
- Domain name (DNS, Reverse lookup)
- Bonjour name
- NetBIOS name
- Services (open ports)
- Response time (ping time)
- Mac model identifier (i.e. „iMac9,1“)
- Icon (automatically for Macs with model identifier)
- Special function (i.e. host is standard gateway)
- Reachability status
- SSH / Telnet username, port and password
- Device Log
- Notes
- Remote shutdown/restart/sleep of other Macs
- Ping
- Portscan
- Telnet
- Wake On LAN
- Whois
- Built-in WiFi
- Built-in Ethernet
Что нового:
Version 2.6New Features
- New Network section with all Networks and its Scans.
- New Services section that gives you an overview of all Services found and its Hosts.
- A short description has been added to every Service.
- More Log messages have been added for new Hosts. I.e. it is now being logged if the Host has been found in the ARP or DNS cache.
- Options have been added to chose what is being displayed in the last row of prints and exported PDFs.
- Prints and exported PDFs now include the response time of each Host.
- Subnet Mask column has been added to the Networks list.
- The average response time of all Hosts of a Scan has been added to the Scans info.
- You can now see the log messages of all Hosts of a Scan in the Scan info.
- You can now stop a Scan from refreshing by clicking the X button next to its name in the sidebar.
- A refresh of a Scan in monitoring mode can now be stopped without stopping the monitoring.
- From now on the timeout you set in the preferences is the default value used by every Scan unless you change the timeout in the Scan's settings.
- Minor interface improvements for macOS Mojave's Dark Mode.
- More and improved help text here and there.
- Some new image rules have been added.
- The sort order of interfaces for new Custom Scans has been improved.
- The status type ‚uncertain‘ has been renamed to ‚unknown‘.
- You can no longer update your database form network Radar version 1.x to the new database type in version 2.x.
- Some users were unable to choose a custom host image or add new ones.
- The app could crash when selecting a custom host image.
- 'Services' was missing in the CSV export options.
- Although a Scan was deleted, its Hosts could still appear in Smart Folders and the All Hosts section until the app was restarted.
- In some cases the ping interval was ignored and the progress indicator was wrong.
- Refreshing a single Host did not always work via the File menu.
- Refreshing a single Host did not work outside of its Scan.
- Some Hosts appeared twice in the list.
- Some properties were cut off in the CSV export window.
- Some rules that checked the status of a Host did not work in the German localisation.
- Switching between different sections could crash the app for some users.
- The Quick Scan button did not work with certain types of VPN.
- The value of the the end or start IP of a Custom Scan was not validated and could result in Scans that would not refresh.
- There were some GUI issues in the Smart Folder edit window.
- When trying to activate the app before completing the welcome window the app did crash.
Снимки экрана:
- Версия: Network Radar 2.6.1
- Разработчик: Daniel Diener
- Системные требования: OS X 10.11.5 или более поздняя версия, 64-разрядный процессор
- Язык интерфейса: Английский, Немецкий
- Размер: 21.29 MB
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